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 Skin Rhythmzone

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Skin SDK: The <rhythmzone> element

The rhythmzone element defines where and how the rhythm curves will be displayed. It is much easier and has a lot more options than the rhythm element. It has been updated in version 8 to eliminate the need for mask and up images - instead these are replaced by fade and <overlay>. You can also use center to define the centre of the rhythmzone.

The syntax of the rhythmzone element is <rhythmzone mirror="" upsidedown="" fade="" center="" visibility="" os="">.

  • upsidedown="true|false" : (false by default). If set to "true" , the wave will be inverted on the X Axis.
  • mirror="true|false" : (false by default). If set to "true", a mirrored wave will be placed below the current (at X axis)
  • fade="" :Provide the width in pixels that the waves will fade to black on both sides. E.g. fade="100" will provide an area of 100 pixels in width on both sides, where the waves will gradually to black.
  • center="" : Provide the X position of the center of the wave. Helpful if you need to create an off-center rhtyhmzone. If not defined, the center will be automatically placed at the width/2 +Xpos of the rhtyhmwave
  • visibility : Set to true|false or provide a VDJ script action that returns true or false, to specify when the element will be visible or not.
  • os : use os="mac" or os="pc" if you need to display the element only when VirtualDJ is running on Window or Mac Do not include os="" if you want the element to be displayed on both platforms.
All Properties are optional

  • <size width="" height=""> : Give the width and height of the rhythm window
  • <pos x="" y=""> : give the position of the rhythm window on the screen
  • <colors chanX="" chanX_left="" chanX_right="" chanX_active=""> : give the color in HTML format to be used for each channel, X is the number of the channel. There should be as many chanX parameters as waves you want to display. "transparent", "black" and "#000000" waves are ignored.
  • <rhythm y="" height=""> : give the vertical position and height of the waves.
  • <grid height="" width="" mainwidth=""> : Set up the CBG (computed beat grid) for the all channels. The <grid> element has these sub-elements :
  • <pos y1="" y2="" yX=""> : give the vertical position of all grids
  • <cue y="" height=""> : give the vertical position and height of the cue marker. The <cue> element has these sub-elements :
    • <mask x="" y"" width="" height=""> : give the position and size of the cue mask
    • <text dx="" dy="" color="" ...> : set the position and color of the cue text (see <textzone>)
  • <overlay> : give the position and size of the play marker (central line) and the color (background). The <overlay> element has these sub-elements :
    • <pos x="" y=""> : give the position of the play marker.
    • <size width="" height=""> : Give the width and height of the play marker.
    • <background x="" y=""> : Give the position of the background color. The height size is taken from the line above.
    <rhythmzone mirror="false" upsidedown="false" fade="200">
    <size width="1910" height="88"/>
    <pos x="5" y="35"/>
    <colors deck1="#007097" deck2="#8c0709" deck1_active="#00ABEB" deck2_active="#F40000" />
    <rhythm y="+0" height="75"/>
    <grid height="6" width="6" mainwidth="10">
    <pos y1="76" y2="82"/>
    <cue y="+0" height="88">
    <text dx="15" dy="-1" size="14" />
    <mask width="26" height="88 " x="684" y="1389"/>
    <size width="3" height="88"/>
    <pos x="1920/2" y="35"/>
    <background x="715" y="1395"/>

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